Essay: Extra curricular activities provide a channel reinforcing the lessons learned in the classroom, to apply academic skills into the real life context
Extra curricular activities are essential for students as it helps them learn about themselves and their interests.It also helps them develop new skills that might help them in their future career and life.It allows students to learn things that otherwise not be accessible to them.Taking a part in curricular activities can help us learn things that we can’t learn at our homes like, How to accept failure, How to believe in yourself when you can’t etc,and other skills like Time management, social skills , Communication skills, and help us build self confidence and more. it helps us learn and experience new skills like how to stand in-front of so many people on stage expressing your thoughts about a certain topic. It also helps us learn how to co-operate with others without bullying or putting others down.
By: Dua Fatima
Date: 17-02-2024.
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