Nick ondieki2022/12/10 11:03


It had just stopped raining , the road was muddy, Mrs Edith jumped the big gutter to towards where she had parked her car .

They had come to Four Corners market to buy foodstuffs and provisions for the month , Mrs Edith loved organizing her things, not doing things randomly.

The wheel barrow pusher and was pushing the heavily loaded barrow walking behind Ekamma.

''Ekamma you people should walk fast the rain is about to fall ." She impatiently called to her daughter , the wind was blowing heavily.

Ekamma rolled her eyes at her mother and continued at her slow pace.

They finally got to the car , Ekamma was standing by the car when a woman pushed her with her load, Ekamma hissed .

"You this idiot you no see say I carry load , no comout for road I'll push you inside gutter ." She said to the quiet girl.

"Ekamma what's the problem baby ?" Mrs Edith asked .

"Nothing mum , I'm fine ." Ekamma said , she remained standing where she stood , the woman obviously wanted trouble.

they was space for her to pass , but no she wanted to pass near Ekamma, She stepped on Ekamma's white stockings, and hissed again .

"Mama what are you doing like a child? must you follow where the little girl is standing? why are you stepping on her ?" The woman's grown up daughter quarreled her mother in Ofutop language.

"See how that stubborn child Is looking at me ? if she thinks she's a witch, I'll tell her that I'm a bigger witch ." He responded to her daughter in their local dialect .

Two of her children a son and a girl came to join their mother with things th

Ekamma turned towards a trailer running at top speed, coming with heavy logs of wood , Ekamma extended her finger spiritually towards the vehicle and made it lost control .

the vehicle tumbled over and climbed on the woman and her three children, they were crushed like tomatoes stepped on by a giant leg. the two men in the vehicle were dragged out of the vehicle, dead and covered in blood .

Mrs Edith couldn't happen what had happened in just second six people died , she grabbed her daughter who was barely missed by the truck, she blessed God her daughter survived.

she wondered what trauma her little daughter was passing through. Ekamma was weeping,and crying, terrified, Mrs Edith was shocked that she barely drove home .

Ekamma was in class sitting quietly, Oluchukwu who was sitting at the back of the class , was going out to ease himself, while the teacher was teaching , ha knocked Ekamma , and his friends began to roar in laughter .

Oluchukwu went to the bathroom, Ekamma took permission from the teacher, and followed him, she waited outside for him , until he finished from the toilet .

She looked here and there to see if there was anyone was around , or anyone looking, but they was no one , so she smiled .

"What do you think you want to do ? do you have a death wish ?" Oluchukwu asked with a big grin on his face , ha began to crackle his knuckles , as he worked towards Ekamma.

"Hahaha Ekamma You made a mistake coming after me in this lonely place, I can kill you and no one will know." He threatened.

"Only if you know who I'm Oluchukwu you would never have stepped on me ."

She said with a straight face .

Oluchukwu crackled "So who are you what are you going to do? do it now."

Ekamma smiled.

Her eyes began to shine like sunlight, they was a sign of a third eyes on her forehead, when Oluchukwu saw how tall Ekamma became , about fifteen feet tall, he tried to escape, but he was frozen to ground.

Ekamma extended her long bony fingers at Oluchukwu, and the boy began to shrink, he turned into a rabbit and ran Into the bush near the school.

Abandoning his school uniform on the ground where he had transformed.

Ekamma changed back to her old self and she smiled, looked right and left to see if anyone was looking, when she didn't find anyone she smiled and made her way into the class.


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