I sighed deeply,
Lost in thoughts
Recalling the wonderful and blissful moments
We had spent together in the former times
How we walked together
Hand in hand
Smiling happily without an iota of gloom
Chatting and sharing secrets
Of various experiences
Advising each other
And dining together
As best friends that we are
But now,
It was all in the past
In worry and grief
I drew down the cotton of memories
It was a burden
That weighed me down
Too heavy for me to bear
Because there was a conflict between my best friend and I
I wished I could be like the others
Jovial and free
I wished I had another friend
Reserved and quiet like I was
It was an open sore
Together we sat daily
But neither did we utter a word
I wondered if this was how we would spend our last and latter days
In secondary school
I faced my studies pretentiously
But deep within me
I knew I was hurt
With my mind wandering faraway
Wishing we could reconcile
I wondered why we kept sealed lips
But the reason I never knew
How I felt disappointed
I wept bitterly
Because I had lost trust in her
I become lonely
Like I used to be
With no friend
But many foes
It was noticed by my mates
But I never had a justifiable reason
I pretended to be less concerned
Smiling outwardly
But deep within me
I knew I was hurt
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