Popularly known as Chhoti Kashi, this village is about 85 km from Jaipur. There are 1800 Hindu families living here. There is not a single Muslim family in the village. But in this village, more attention is paid to teaching children Urdu than Sanskrit.
More than 100 Urdu teachers in the village
Siddara village is claimed to have the highest number of government teachers of Urdu in Tonk district. Ram Kishore, a resident of Siddara and a member of the panchayat samiti, says, "Urdu has fulfilled the dream of the youth of the village to get government jobs." have done'.
He said, "Today there are Urdu teachers at every level in the village. Third grade, second grade, first grade, college lecturer, school principal and professor of Urdu language in the university are from the village.
Siyaram Meena is a teacher up to 8th standard in Sadara village. He himself is a government teacher of Urdu language. He says, "Earlier, the children did not even know Urdu." But, today there are many Urdu teachers in the village. They tell us many names and say that our brother is also a teacher of Urdu.
At least 1000 children in the village have learned Urdu
He says, 'At least 1000 children in the village have learned Urdu. Government teachers drawn from villages are teaching Urdu not only in Tonk but also in other districts and states.
Birbal Meena, principal of Siddara School, says, “There are many youths in Siddara who have studied Urdu and done BSTC and B.Ed, who are now waiting for the recruitment of teachers. This time, at least thirty young people are going to become teachers.
Giving an example, he says, "In the year 2013, there was a recruitment of Urdu teachers, in which 11 percent of the youth were selected out of 26 posts of Scheduled Tribes."
This journey started from 1997_98
Until the year 2013-14, the school in Sudara was providing education only up to the 8th standard. During that time no one was familiar with Urdu here. Children from the village used to go to Niwai for their studies from the 8th standard.
Some of the village children started studying Urdu as an optional subject from Newai School. From here, Urdu started in Siddara, which later became famous because of Urdu. Ram Kishore, a resident of Siddara and member of the panchayat samiti, says, “In the year 1997-98, after the eighth standard, we used to go to Niwa for further studies. Some of our friends started studying Urdu there, and after a few years became government teachers.
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