Can you be mine

ゲスト2022/12/06 08:52
Can you be mine

I got the argue of writing but what?

I wish to express this but how?

Or maybe should talk but when?

May be it's an illusion though i don't know where.

My heart tells me to love you mmh is it fair?

It's not like i don't trust you but are you clear?

Giving you my heart with my jealous aki i fear

Can you just be mind and always be there?

I wish to make you understand but got no words

Am just very complicated you sure can hold?

I got many words but few to bold

Do you really understand or your mind is fold?

I once loved but it wasn't my lucky

Bad thing when in love am always weaky

Somehow i got my sense and i now feel wakey

Hope you got me now are you here to stay?

My heart sensed you presence and saw honesty

From no where it trusted you without being worried

I knew you are very true and not just a hasty

Just make me yours and you will know the rest.

Welcome to my world and let it be a home

We make this true love and not just fame

Let make it hot more than oxy-hydro flame

Am now yours are you ready yo be mine?

シェア - Can you be mine



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