Aches of celebrities


Clocking 17 I began to understand that even fame and riches has it prices one has to pay. And celebrities at some point the feel like they can't contain the pressure on them. Am dedicating this poem specially to kanye west and I hope things will turn good for him very soon during this trials he has been facing. @Sam

A Celebrity

The much fame you crave

With thought of levity

Because you saw far you'd gain

Giving you A world

A world Of fame and popularity

Focused upon by the society

A world

A world you just can't contain

A world of stress for fame

A world of class and hails

Causing a plea bargain

Between your fame and name

Weaking you in totality.

Compelled to hide your pains,

Begins Joy for frivolities. Happiness and sincerity,

Turns hope in adversity.

A world

A world of absence of privacy

And Grieving in closed Cotton's

A world of obligations

And compelling duties

For being a celebrity.

シェア - Aches of celebrities



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