Internal Bleeding

Adeniran2022/11/28 21:49
Internal Bleeding

Internal bleeding, also known as hemorrhaging, occurs when a blood vessel inside the body is damaged.

When a vessel is injured, bleeding continues as long as the vessel remains open, and if the pressure in the vessel exceeds the pressure outside of the vessel.

Internal Bleeding on it own is not a condition, it's normally occurs as result of traumatic injury.

The bleeding can be minor and also significant, internal or external.

Hemorrhage varies by anatomic location, a thorough close monitoring and series of laboratory test is the first step in locating the source of it.

The signs and symptoms it comes with shows it location and the source. For example, intracranial hemorrhage occurs when a vessel within or around the brain bleeds into the brain or around it.

Although a healthy person can loss 10-15% total volume of blood without serious medical problems, but an excessive loss of blood can lead to Death.

Types of Hemorrhage

The types of Hemorrhage correlate to it location.

Hemorrhage of the Head

Intracranial Hemorrhage: As mentioned earlier, this type of hemorrhage occurs in the brain.

When the brain rupture and bleeds into the brain or around the brain.

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: This refers to the non-traumatic types of Hemorrhage where there's blood within the subarachnoid space.

Cerebral Hemorrhage: This is a type of Hemorrhage of the skull that is caused by the rupture of the blood vessel within the brain tissue.

Hemorrhage Of The Eyes

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage: It's the hemorrhage of the eye caused by broken blood vessel in the sclera, as a result of sneezing, strain, coughing and strains.

Hemorrhage Of The Nose

Epistaxis: This type of Nose hemorrhage may occur as a result of different reasons, hard object been hit on the nose, as from symptoms of other disease such as Corona virus, Ebola virus etc.

Hemorrhage Of The Mouth

Hemoptysis: This is an airway hemorrhage caused by some disease such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and some certain cardiovascular conditiontions.

Hematemis: it's an hemorrhage that occurs as a result of ulcers, tumour or taking of some certain drugs. It's the vomitting of blood.

Other types of Hemorrhage are;

• Hemorrhage Of the unitary Tract

• Hemorrhage Of the the lungs

• Hemorrhage of the Anus

• Hemorrhage of the gynecologic (associated with the Virgina)

• Hemorrhage of the gastrointestinal (Associated with the intestine)

Causes Of Hemorrhage


• Internal organ Damage

• Blood Clotting Disorder

• Long term Alcohol or drug or tobacco

• Infections(Ebola, bacteria etc)

• Hereditary

• Traumatic injury (Abrasion, hematoma, incision)

• Complications (i.e from child birth,or surgeries)

Symptoms Of Hemorrhage

• Blood in the Urine

• Dizziness

• Diarrhoea


• General weakness


• Coma

• Blood leakage from the nose, eyes, and ear.

• Vomitting of blood

• Vision Problems.

Care and Treatment of Hemorrhage

The treatment of Hemorrhage depends on several factors, typically blood vessel can repair itself by clotting.

• How many blood have been lost

• The location of the Hemorrhage

• The rate and how serious the hemorrhage is

• Seek Medical attention

• Applying pressure to the wound with the hands

• Physical therapy

• Healthy lifestyle (i.e not smoking, not taking hard drugs)

When To See a Doctor

It's crucial to consult a doctor as soon as bleeding is suspected. Severe hemorrhage if not treated quickly can lead to Death.

Seek medical attention if;

You are experiencing difficulty in Breathing

Coughing or vomitting blood

The Bleeding can't be stopped

You're feeling Dizzy or light-headedness.

シェア - Internal Bleeding



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