Comfort deprives people of achieving success.This is why you have to step out of your comfort zone, make the needed sacrifices, do the hustle, accept the stress, endure the pain and inconvenience, do the hard work(actually put in long hours of hard work),persevere,take the nonsense, trek the long distance, sweat and strive, burn the night candle(while others are enjoying their sleep 😴, be working, while others are on holiday, before you can succeed.
If you're comfortable where you are, you won't get up and do the needful, because you won't want to stress yourself.Meanwhile,life works in pairs, especially opposite pairs,so you will:
1. Experience stress, before you can settle down and rest.
2. Hustle and wrestle, before you can settle
3. ENDURE the pain, before you can enjoy the gain
What’s more,comfortable people do not succeed.Successful people become comfortable.
A successful man is one, who has learnt to deny himself of transient comfort,in order to gain lasting comfort. This self denial, is an investment in the future,and no investment, comes without pain or sacrifice.
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