Minds, Chains & Souls

Jovan King2022/11/16 08:38

Will I always owe you?

Because you’ve been taking

And I’m left behind with nothing,

Left to pick up these pieces, it’s quite exhausting!

I am left behind again... I hope you’re happy and laughing

When I shout at you I look insane

But I know I am sane,

Don’t you say I’m wicked, we’re not the same

You do the dirty work, you make people change,

Now who is insane?

All I do is play by your rules...trying to maintain

You welcomed me and then locked me in chains

Now tell me something World,

Will I always owe you?

How many more sacrifices do I have to make?

I will accept your tough rules with composure

Treat myself like a treasure - no pressure

‘Until the end, Andy only the end...’

~Jovan King

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