According to Healthline, pork, also referred to as pig meat, is one of the meats that is most frequently consumed worldwide. It is one of the most harmful meat types, though, since it transmits many hidden health hazards, including cirrhosis, hepatitis E, and intestinal parasites that can harm the liver and digestive system and jeopardize one's health. Read this article to discover more health risks associated with pig meat consumption.
1. Eating undercooked pork causes intestinal worm infestation
According to WebMD, tapeworm and trichinella-related gastrointestinal infections could arise from eating undercooked pork.
Trichinellas and cysticercosis are parasitic-borne diseases caused by the excessive presence of these harmful worms. Both diseases could lead to death and sometimes epilepsy.
2. Pork Is High in saturated fats and sodium
Although pork is an excellent source of thiamine and selenium, it contains saturated fats in high amounts which, when eaten, increase blood cholesterol, block the arteries and heighten the likelihood of generating cardiovascular disease.
3. Hepatitis E
According to Medical News Today, pig meat, especially its liver, is a primary transmitter of the dangerous virus, hepatitis E, which attacks the human liver. Denise Minger in a 2017 Healthline article reveals that hepatitis E may cause neurological complications, blood disorders, polyarthralgia and a compromised liver. You ought to minimize your consumption of pork because of this.
4. Liver Cancer
The eating of pork has a direct correlation with the development of liver cancer, according to studies. Bacon, sausage, and other pork products are high in nitrosamine chemicals, which attack the liver and promote the formation of malignant cells.
Therefore, experts advise individuals to lessen their consumption of pig meat to avoid becoming a victim of these potential health risks. Stay healthy always. Cheers!
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