第35話 - Chapter 28 THE END

ALEXANDRIA2022/12/13 01:39


5:00 PM

Everyone had already gone home, while me and Lily throws  our litters in the trash can.


"Do you want to come over?"

"Yeah, sure"

We walked together while holding hands. We were silent and no one dared to start a conversation. After a while we reached my house and my parents welcomed us.

"Hey, how's the picnic? Did you have fun?"

"Yeah, we really enjoyed it" said by Andrei to his mom.

"Mom, she's going to spend the night here. Is it okay for you guys?"

"Sure, no problem! I want my future daughter-in-law to get used to here hehe"


"S-stop it, Dad"

I blushed furiously and looked at Lily. After sometime we're in my room, she is at the balcony staring at the sky.

I walked up to Lily and gave her a hug from the back, that made her jump up a bit.

"You scare me haha"

I sniffed her neck and kissed it. I rested my chin on her shoulder and looked up.

"Did you remember when you invited me in your house to watch a movie and stayed there for the night cause it began raining?"

"Yeah. That was the best day of my life, cause I got to hug you, hehe"

"It's the best day of my life, too...."

"What do you mean? You're also dating May that time right?"

"Yeah. That night, I wasn't expecting that my life will begin to change direction. I didn't know myself that time and..... while both of us are sleeping on the same bed, I was at peace"

I stared at Lily.

"Then, I gave myself sometime to think about my feelings for you. I began to feel butterflies in my stomach whenever I talk or see you. I didn't know how deep is my love for you but there's a lot of things that you made me realize all through out this relationship, that love means no limit, love never fails and true love knows no boundaries. We experienced a lot of challenges in our relationship, I thought that it's really the end. At first I treat you like a trash and I even have a relationship with another girl. I didn't expect that you'll still forgive all of my sins and stay by my side until now. Thank you.......

Lily's eyes begin to tear up. I wiped the teardrop on her face and hugged her tighter.

"Thank you, too Andrei...... Because of you I learned how to wait. I learned how to be strong. Because of you, I experienced how it's like to be in love.....the happiness, the pain..... Thank you for everything......

I caressed Lily's cheeks and kissed her forehead. We both looked up and stared at the night sky.

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?"

I stared at Lily who's smiling at me.


I touched her hair and slowly lean on her. For a moment, I feel like I'm in heaven. We kissed each other's lips passionately for a while like it's only the two of us in the world. We parted our lips and a sweet smile appeared on our faces. Lily rested her head on my chest.

This is what I've been waiting for.....

Our relationship may not be the best but, we can always work it out cause we have trust. You can love anyone and don't be afraid to be judged, it's your life and live it your way.....



Please accept my apologies everyone for releasing the new chapter late. I had other commitments which ended up taking my time.

Anyways, Loving You Had Consequences has finally ended 🥳 Thank you for supporting my first novel until now (≧▽≦)

Please keep supporting me in this journey and look forward for my next novels in the future. Btw, I'm already working on it. I just need to organized the story more hehe (≧▽≦)

Thank you again, Love you ( ◜‿◝)♡