第1話 - Chapter 1 Cold Boyfriend

ALEXANDRIA2022/11/14 09:29

CHAPTER 1 Cold Boyfriend

Lily is staring on her phone after she called Andrei for the 20th time. It's already 9 pm but he hasn't texted her yet. Lily tried to call him again but still , it turned to voicemail .

"Andrei , where did you go?!.. Please text me or something!!!!"

She couldn't calm herself. What if something happened to her lover?

She picked up her phone again and tried texting him. Her hands are trembling while pressing the letters on the screen.

"Andrei , are you home? Please reply as soon as possible. You're worrying me so much. I love you".

"Andrei are you okay? Please call or text me".

*30 minutes later*

"What's with this guy? He's been giving me a cold shoulder when I try to talk to him".

It's already 11 pm when Lily heard her phone ring. She stayed up late just to anticipate the reply from her beloved boyfriend.

"Oyy..Lily , stop blowing up my phone! I told you earlier that I'm busy!!"

"I just wanted to know that you're fine. You didn't text me if your already home.... I'm just concerned about you...."

"Come on , don't be so dramatic! I'm always fine. If you do this again , I'll never talk to you!!"

Lily was dumbfounded. She never expected that.

"Oh....okay. I won't bother you anymore. Just call me if you need something".

"I said I'm fine! Don't you know how to read??! Ughh , you're pissing me off!!"

After their conversation , Lily still cannot process what just happened. She was hoping for descent replies from her lover. Does he not love me anymore??

"You're just thinking that!! Andrei loves you. He wouldn't date you if you mean nothing to him".

Lily sighed as she pulled her blanket and went asleep.