The Pot of Gold

第17話 - IT'S A LONG WAY

Dream Verses2022/11/17 21:05

My brother,

It's a long way we have come;

You seem to have forgotten

That it's a long way we have come.

Remember how we stumbled and fell,

How we hungered and thirsted

Before we came to that stream

And found wild roots to our satisfaction.

You joined me on the way

And I have never given up;

Why do you change your mind?

Have you forgotten where we came from?

This is the right direction,

You head the wrong way;

Why do you give up the right path

For your shortcuts?

Why do you abandon me

To carry these heavy burdens?

Here you are leaving your burdens too.

Remember the wilderness in evil.

Here I remain without you

And go determined the right way.

I forget all about you

As you go your own direction.

Don't curse me when struck by lightening

And you have nobody to bury you.

Don't regret when snake bitten

And have no eyes as you go your way.