My fantasy

第2話 - Payback Time

Smiling love2023/03/15 09:12

Sophie's Pov

Oh my goodness daddy I Burst into tear's, have I been kidnapped I said with different thoughts running through my mind, who dare to lock me up in here I said with a hush voice as tears came running down my face and why am I wearing this kind of clothes it's meant for the maid's I said cleaning the tears off my face

Bella POV

I woke up from my sleep with a very bright smile on my face well this is definitely the most comfortable sleep I have had since like forever I said rubbing my eyes with the back of my palm when suddenly everything came rushing back to me what happened after I was taken to the dungeon I said as i noticed my surroundings, I was at the hospital wait a minute what happened after I dosed off did I fall I'll I said looking around once more when a man dressed in white walked into the room smiling brightly " Mrs Sophie you are finally awake he said staring at me" and I smiled back but wait a minute did he just call me Sophie" hmm sir my name is not Sophie I am bella I said giving him a confused gaze and he stared at me then smiled again and said " Mrs Sophie I can see you are having problems remembering things although we didn't see any signs of amnesia in your test results but I am sure it's just a temporary thing he said smiled again and walked out then three maids walked in and greeted me simultaneously what is going on I said as I saw Tricia my friend among the maids and they all looked at each other surprised " ermm Mrs you fainted yesterday and you were brought to the hospital" Tricia said as I burst out laughing "Tricia why are you addressing me as Mrs" they all looked at each other with surprise once again and said "Mrs Sophie we can't address you buy your name alone" And that did it, Get me a mirror I yelled and one of them rushed to get the mirror I looked at my self in the mirror and screamed OH MY GOD this is Mrs Sophie's face I said

Bella as Sophie and Sophie as bella

What is going to happen next stay tuned and ride with me guys the next episode will be a very long one so you all should be prepared
