Anyone Could Be a Good Friend

BossB2022/10/30 02:31

Anyone could be a good friend and not a suspect.

Anyone Could Be a Good Friend

It was a beautiful morning. Birds were singing as they fly across the roofs while the trees were blowing breeze by the wind. Everywhere seems to be reserved and calm. Juliet gets off her bed, put on her bathroom slippers, and walked gently toward the windows. She draws the curtains to glimpse the rays. She was happy to see a new day.

She arranges her room and arranged the kitchen. She went to the bathroom to clean up and dressed up for work. She was mindful of time as she was preparing herself. She stepped out of her home, locked her door, and waited for a taxi. As she was waiting, a white car approached her to give her a ride. The young man was on a white shirt with black trousers. He was on low-cut, brown shoes, and a tie. He said to Juliet, "hello" and Juliet answered, "hi."

The young man: " Can I give you a ride?"

Juliet: " To where?" She was dialing the taxi driver's number at the moment.

The young man: " To wherever you are willing to go."

Juliet: " Does that mean you're jobless?"

The young man: "No."

Juliet: " You can't have one and be here asking questions."

The young man: " I noticed that you're worried and that's why I stopped to help."

Juliet: " How did you conclude that I'm worried when I didn't tell you that I'm worried?" I must say, that's crazy."

The young man: " I'm sorry ma'am!"

Juliet: " Sorry for yourself!" Can you leave please?"

The young man: "Alright, bye." He drove off.

(After a while, the taxi driver came and picked her up). Juliet was so angry while in the car that she started talking to herself.

Juliet: " How can a jobless man like that fellow stop and be talking about giving me a ride." Is he mad?" Truly he's a handsome guy but he's jobless!" Where is he going?" I don't think it's normal for a grown-up ass to be wandering around with such a big car" If he's a boss, he should be attending to calls and be blind to see who was worried." She kept talking and talking which the taxi driver noticed.

The taxi driver looked through the mirror and asked, " madam, I hope all is well?"

Juliet: Did I tell you that something is wrong?"

The taxi driver: " Don't be offended, ma'am." You're talking loudly and that's why I asked."

Juliet: " I didn't know I'm talking so loud." You caused this reaction!" If you have come earlier as scheduled, a jobless man wouldn't have the guts to be asking me silly questions."

The taxi driver: " I'm sorry ma'am."

Juliet: " Keep the sorry and drive fast."

(Juliet keeps talking to herself until she gets to the office). The taxi driver dropped her off, collected his money, and zoomed off. Juliet walked in with an unusual face. A colleague noticed and asked,

Colleague: " Juliet baby, what's up with you this morning?"

Juliet: " It's a long story, I'll gist you later."

Colleague: " Okay, but try to cheer up." (her colleague left for her desk while Juliet arranged stuff on her table)

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