September 12 my second puc supplymentry result came to existence but i didn't know that day was my result in 1 o clock my school friend called me and said that what was my result i said don't know so he asked me to give my registration number i said no to it and hanged call and gone to Chrome to see my result but i thought i will gonna definitely failed when I saw my result i really got surprised bcoz i was passed and i called my mom she was went to meet my brother and sister who were in hostel and i called my friend named tanveer and said i got passed and you i asked but he said me that he also passed and i was thinking about my degree where do I admit and i was knew only KCD govt college in Dharwad and my pu college jk college were there fees was high And day after tomorrow morning i got up early and gone to running and that moment i was so happy bcoz i was passed my exam ione thing that i was failed in 2 subject accountancy and statistics in supplymentry result i got 35 each 2 subjectand. After my running came to home and amma said to me to come to dharwad at 10 o clock i said ok to it my amma gone to her shop and i was watching movies in my mobile amma called me to come fast so said i am coming when i stepped my foot out of my house one bro came with bike and took me to the bus stand and i got bus and i went to dharwad new bus stand were amma was in first grade government college she said me to go and see the college i said ok but i was hasitating to go single then i said i will see you go amma then i went to hubli were my friend tanveer came to hosur and i applied to kcd college in online center after i came to home Morning to u all me waked at 8:30 September 26 Monday . First i waked and walked here and there and bought from provision store some needs said by my mom and i brushed my teeth and i went to have my breakfast (tea and biscuits) and i walked here and there and talked with my mom and i went to have bath after that I got ready and went out from home that i was going to college first i went to my puc college sharada adarsh pre University college of commerce i meet my teacher account mam (Pooja) i asked her that for whom do i give the library books so she said to wait for ten minutes i waited but shiyog sir not came and after sometime principal sir (Deepak) came out from the chamber and said me to handover the library
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