What is Depression,causes and preventions.

ゲスト2022/10/13 14:30
What is Depression,causes and preventions.

If you find yourself wondering what might be the cause of having more mood swings than normal, and you want to know what it means this article is for you.

What is Depression?

Depression is a mental problem that has to do with a low mood and loss of interest in human activity, more than half of the population of Nigerians are battling and suffering from depression.

Depression can start for different reasons, many people who suffer from this mental issue are normal humans in their formal life but due to some things or other they now suffer from depression.

What causes depression?

Depression can be caused by many things even little things that will don't count might cause a person to be depressed, such as hardships, family disasters, poverty, being stagnant while your age bracket is progressing, Addiction to drugs and alcohol, loneliness, rejection and isolation from close ones, and emotional and relationship trauma. All these and many more situations can make a person Depressed and lose interest in human daily activities and often a depressed person can end up developing more serious and typical mental health issues like loss of sanity etc.

What are the ways of preventing Depression? I think that many people who are depressed often pass through this stage because they fail to prevent themselves from depressing activities, remember in the last paragraph I mentioned that depression can also be caused by the little things you don't expect to cause it.

Having the right philosophy of life is one way to surely prevent yourself from depression, knowing that you are not living to compete with anyone so it doesn't matter when or how you finish in as much as you are better than the past version of yourself. Avoiding peer pressure on drugs and alcohol will also help to prevent this event, knowing that your friend has a high influence on what you become should remember you to make the right kinds of friends who would add value to you and not lead you to depression.

One of the biggest mental health issues today all over the world is depression, many people cause it themselves without knowing.

Now that you know this, make sure you protect your mental sanity.

シェア - What is Depression,causes and preventions.



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