"Another attack from some mysterious creature... "
"... Not again"
Cole said with a frown has he listened to the radio
This was the 3rd attack from some mysterious creatures
"God knows where those creatures come from"
He said to himself as he tidied up his bedroom
Cole has been living in a cabin somewhere in the woods, away from family,away from pressure, he would always say. His family actually thinks he was cursed because he predicted the death of 3 family members and it came to pass
No one actually knew why those creatures were attacking , the first time, they killed 50 people in Kamba, the second time 60 people and now 80.
Population of the people was decreasing drastically
Cole was actually sure he was connected to the creatures, he didn't know why he thought that but he knew they were closer this time
He picked up his fishing rod and headed up to the small river close to the cabin
Cole tried fishing for some minutes, it was as if there wasn't any fish in the river. He knew fishes migrated but this wasn't a type of body of water to migrate, it was too small
Migrate to where?
He laughed at his thought
The river wasn't even big, so there wouldn't even be a place to migrate to
It was not as if the fishes could develop wings and fly to the next river
Next river?
If there actually was
He caught something and tried to pull it out, it was so heavy
Cole thought it was a big fish until he realised that it was a box
How could an old box get hooked by a fishing rod
The box was rusty
Cole carried his rod and the the box home
He quit fishing for the day, it wasn't as if he had nothing left to eat for the day
He walked home trying to think about what was in the box
Maybe it was a jewelry box
An old one maybe
What if he found gold jewelry or diamond?
He laughed at his thought
Soon, he got home
He hurriedly opened the door, placed the box on the table and tried to open it
It was locked
"Locked? "
He said out loud with a frown
He tried different ways to open the box but all attempts failed
He placed his hand on his chest to play with his necklace
He had developed that habit ever since he found that key on a rock and then decided to use it as a pendant
He quickly removed the key from his neck and tried it
It opened
He was destined to have the key and the box
Imagine if he was angry when he pulled it out the box and threw it back
Inside the box was a book with images and strange symbols and language
Cole looked at the book and let out a hiss , then went to the kitchen to get some fruits
He sat close to the book, eating some apples then picked the book again
And, he could read the language this time
How is that even possible?
Few minutes ago, the language seemed like jargons but now he could understand
The front cover of the book read:
"What is this book? "
He tried reading the first page
If you are reading this now
Then you are the chosen one,
The Jupiter
The book found itself to the rightful owner at the right time
You might be scared but trust me, you can do it
You can save the world
You could be the savior
Falgorts are here now
To wipe away the entire human race and dominate
They are closer this time
Watch your back dearest
Falgorts are very dangerous...
The book updated as he read, he flipped to the third page and it was blank, then continued the second page
... Life draining beasts
They can destroy anything
It happened 5000years ago, when Lord Ziffer wanted to end human race in Mars
The ORKINS fought him for years but didn't succeed then decided to send Eli to the next planet, the earth to get a safer place to protect our powers away from Lord Ziffer
In other to do so Eli transformed into the book you are holding now...
Cole gasped, he was holding a living being, then continued reading
... which is irreversible, he sacrificed his life for the safety of the powers of the ORKINS
Legend have it that Jupiter lives in Earth and here you are
The Great Jupiter
Now, the Falgorts are in Earth because Lord Ziffer has found that Eli escaped to Earth and that there is someone now stronger than he is
He wants to dominate the Earth too
Fear not
Ever since you got the key, you got the power of the ORKINS
"I need to stop reading this book, weird book and their so called Jupiter"
He laughed and closed the book but the book flipped open few seconds after to boldly written words