Princess Marckel

第1話 - The new ruler

Vic-beauty-queen2022/10/12 06:14

In the kingdom of Marckel, there lived a king and queen named Michael and Melisa. They had a 5 years old daughter named after their kingdom Marckel. They all lived and ruled the kingdom peacefully until one particular day a witch with her talking staff came and took over the kingdom.

"Your highness, your highness,king Michael, the kingdom has been invaded by the witch", the messenger cried out loudly. "What!!, Guards take her down, she was once banished from this kingdom for stealing a precious gem" the king told the guards. The guards narrated to the king how they tried but failed due to her talking powerful staff she had obtained. The king worriedly called his wife and told her about the witch. He told her to take princess Marckel with her into the secret tunnel and escape with her for he wants Marckel to come back, defeat the witch and take back her throne. The queen was astonished and said to the king "your highness, Marckel is only 5 and by the time she's old enough this kingdom would have been destroyed". The king assured her that only Marckel can save the kingdom and she needs to learn how to fight so the king order one of his trusted guard to go with them. They left the palace into the secret tunnel and they started their journey. After their departure the witch finally came into the palace and was so angry that the queen and Marckel had escaped. She captured the rest of the soldiers and the king and made them her slave.

Watch out for chapter 2