Peculiar bookstore2022/10/30 23:18

View ur problems

This is one of the problems people have while praying (viewing their problems as a big situation). Psalms 82:6 says;

...u are gods...

Now, have u seen a god sick, poor, possess with demon, tormented by the devil. No!!! Because a god is expected to operate in the supernatural, above demons, sickness, diseases, poverty, destruction and every other thing.

But why do I have it now when I am a god? Because u do not have the mentality yet. Like I said, “is what u think is what u be.” ur mentality can make u anything. It can make u a god, an animal or a normal human being. This is why our faith goes with our thinking.

Jesus said, “with faith u can move a mountain.”

But if you don't know about it can you even think of going to the mountain 🗻 and ask it to move. No, something or someone have to tell you. It have has to pass through ur mentality first before it morph to ur faith.

Another way is👉🏿👇🏿

Build up ur spirit