The way of eternal life

第5話 - Chapter 4: understanding baptism

Peculiar bookstore2022/10/08 00:45

Now u understand eternal life, now you have to understand baptism.

There are 2 two types of baptism but both are essential for all Christians,and they're;

Baptism of the spirit.

This type of baptism have been existing before the coming of chirst but it only for the prophets and other servants of God.

It's also the outpouring of God's spirit on a person. It's is the spirit of prophesying, miracles and the spirit in charge of the supernatural (according to Act2).

Jesus who was rosed up from the dead received from God to pour out his spirit on us so that we can command the supernatural (Act2:33).

So baptism by spirit is what makes us to command the supernatural.

Baptism by water

The Same way water is needed for washing clothes away dirt is the Same way water is needed for washing us away from sin according to Romans 6.

Romans 6 tells us how water baptism makes us new. Not only that it says that we should not allow any sin to dwell in our bodies (Romans 6:12).

So water baptism make us new.

If you want to give your life to chirst and be free from sin, say this

“ Lord Jesus, I come before u today, as my Lord and savior, I believe you died for me, on the day, u Rose again, to set me free, wash me, with ur precious blood, and set me, From the power of sin, to serve the living God, thank you Jesus, for saving, Amen.

If you have done that send a message to

Saying I have given my life to chirst.