第2話 - TALES OF 'HE'

Gee Jay2024/01/27 12:41


Tales of a man slaying a terrific creature travelled across the human realm. Ever since the clash, no one had seen 'He' or rather The Champion, as it was the name people began calling him after his victorious performance.

'He' was like the wind, traversing the world with seemingly no destination only appearing to those he chose.

Those that were lucky to witness his mind blowing fits became his believers and then evolved into his worshippers. The story of the unconquerable Champion became folklore, being passed down to the next generation of humanity.

Up above, the gods looked down as humanity lost faith and interest in them, believing in one whom the gods referred to as a vagabond. It was decided by the council of gods that humans be utterly destroyed and wiped out of existence, and so they sent a being created specially for this assignment; The Shadow of Death.

A black pillar of light that connected the heavens and earth appeared. It burned fiercely sending an unholy heat across the earth. The image of a being took form; having horns that coiled backwards, sharp spikes that formed a line along it's back down to it's serpentine tail. It was everything unholy and terrifying, formed from the anger, malice and envy of the gods.

Every light casts a shadow and this was the beginning of the corruption of gods. Good and evil were sides of the same coin, and the hat8 the gods harboured had made them cynical.

The Shadow of Death opened it's mouth and a black light could be seen converging and the heat that had spread was increasing. Humanity wailed as they watched their end drawing near, they cried out for help to the gods and some calling out to the Champion, but Alas this time salvation didn't seem to come.

The abomination created from the anger and envy of the gods released the burning black light and a human city fell into ruins. From one attack, thousands of human souls were reaped and the gods watched comically. The cries and pleas like music to their ears. It seemed as they had thought, that 'He' the Champion couldn't stand up to the gods.