I have been waiting
For ages always for you
For a single reply or
A text
For a minute, an hour
2 hours and sometimes
4 hours for a single
I am always waiting
And waiting but to no
Avail, I may not know
If I am really that important
To you
I can feel that I am
Nothing and you don't
Even give a damn
About me
All you ever care
About is you, without
Taking into consideration
What I want
And I hate that I do
But I can never really
Do anything to stop it
I am in chain with you
Bounded by your
Shuckles, tied by a rope
Crippled by a brick
And I am that person
Sept 14, 2022
Ako si Musmos na laging palaboyさんをフォローして最新の投稿をチェックしよう!