All Things About Common Types Of Bamboo Furniture

platformbedexpert2024/01/23 11:20

All Things About Common Types Of Bamboo Furniture

All Things About Common Types Of Bamboo Furniture

All Things About Common Types Of Bamboo Furniture

Bamboo, like any other exotic construction material, is being adopted at a faster rate than indigenous materials for construction of furniture.  It is being used to make outdoor furniture in the sense that it gives a place the look of a traditional village along the seashore where the bamboo tree is indigenous. Ironically, this classic look is being adopted in the modern setup of homes. There are several types of bamboo furniture, depending on the shape classified as a squared cross-section, arch shapes, and curved and flat shapes. We will discuss the application of bamboo in the making of bedroom sets, chairs, tables, sofas/couches, and anything else wooden within the home.



1) Bamboo standalone chairs

Chairs made of bamboo might be the most typical furniture pieces in the world currently. The legs and backrest are made out of bamboo poles, and the backrest is usually woven out of dried reeds. Contrary to belief, these chairs are relatively robust when the bamboo and reeds are well cured and dried.  They make for perfect porch chairs as they blend in well with the outdoors. Bamboo chairs can be used in gardens or indoors too.

However, these types of furniture are susceptible to wear and tear if they are not maintained well. Bamboo is flammable, and a fire retardant varnish is used to coat the bamboo.

2) Bamboo beds

Bamboo makes for really exotic and traditional looking beds. Such beds come in the forms of rocking beds, canopy beds, and hammock beds (supporting stilts). The first two examples are commonly used indoors as they bring a touch of the outdoors indoors. Hammock beds, frequent along coastal areas, especially in the outdoors, are an excellent choice for taking naps in the hot climate. Bamboo makes for solid poles that can support these structures.

New in the field of beds is platform beds, which can also be made using bamboo poles for the frames. These are accompanied by drapes and pencil posts, preferably.

3) Bamboo table sets

Tables: coffee tables, study tables, dining tables, or any other tables can be made using bamboo. Accompanying furniture such as couches, sofas, study chairs, and dining chairs are also made using bamboo. In the case of coffee tables, the base is made out of bamboo, and clear cut glass is used as the tabletops. Study and dining tables are made such that the tabletop may be out of bamboo stretched out from the poles, or standard wood. Stools and footrests will be considered in the category of table sets. Bamboo and reed stools are frequent alongside bamboo chairs. The tops may be made out of this exotic wood or brittle glass. Footrests made out of bamboo but covered using soft material such as a sponge, cushioning, or padding. Bamboo makes for good puffs too. These, together with small tables and chairs, can be used outdoors.


4) Bamboo shoe racks and stands

Essentially, every modern home has at least a shoe rack and a stand. Bamboo can be used to make a simple shoe rack for one's home.  Bamboo stands are also gaining popularity in the market today. Shoe racks made in this way are pleasing to the eye and can be placed near the entrance to the house, beside a potted plastic plant for added beauty. Similarly, in a traditional themed home, bamboo stands are common ground in the kitchen, rooms, walkways, or verandahs. 

5) Bamboo coat rack

Imagine entering one of your friend's homes and being met with a bamboo coat rack next. Cool, right? Well, a bamboo coat rack is for the more exploring people and open to new ideas of home décor.  While using a bamboo coat rack is a significant shift from the regular wood used in making racks, it is a bold choice and could pay off if the rack design is well planned and executed.

6) Bamboo patio furniture

Outdoors and on patios, bamboo is used to make furniture for relaxing and taking in the excellent ambiance of the green space. For example, bamboo foldable chairs are used mainly at the back of houses for relaxing. Bamboo mats, coupled with these chairs, make for excellent relaxing spots. 

7) Bamboo cupboards, wardrobes, and storage locations.

Within the house, in rooms especially, it is paramount to have a system of storage locations for people's clothes, personal effects, and anything else they deem worthy of possessing. Such sites, made out of bamboo, while not being so common, can be seen in homes whose owners have taken to using bamboo for all their furniture needs. Dressers made of bamboo are also very essential to the look that bamboo creates. The good thing is that furniture pieces complement each other and contribute to the overall look of the home.

8)Bamboo shelves and cabinets

Bookshelves, pantry shelves, bathroom shelves, kitchen shelves, you name it. These can be made out of literally any material deemed fit, and bamboo is no exception. Bamboo is shaped into the shelves to be used and then fixed above the floor on the walls, either permanently or semi-permanently, to serve their purpose.

9)Bamboo entertainment furniture

It is worth noting that entertainment furniture made out of bamboo could be worth a try. For example, bamboo chess table, billiard table, jukebox, or even a wooden television set. In the case of a board game like a chess table, making out of bamboo will be more of a fashion preference than a functionality decision. Bamboo communication sets like TVs or radios or jukeboxes give a place a traditional look and act as more of a throwback antique look. However, these have been phased out by technological advancements.



To sum up, the use of bamboo in making furniture is gaining popularity in the world right now, both in accommodation and residential settings. It should be noted that selecting bamboo furniture needs to be a thorough process since it is a relatively new concept, and some furniture made in this way will have their challenges in usage, storage, and maintenance.  

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