If you have no critics you will likely have no success.
(Malcom S. Forbes)
似たような名言に If you have no enemy, it is a sign fortune has forgot you. というのがある。敵や批判してくる人がいるというのは、あなたのやっていることが多くの人にとって何かしらの意味があるから。
A similar quote is If you have no enemies, it is a sign fortune has forgotten you. If you have enemies or people who criticize you, it is because what you are doing means something to many people.
If you are someone who really doesn't matter, no one will attack you. Trump is attacked because some of his arguments are appealing and agreeable to nearly half of the American people. My favorite Oda Nobunaga also had many opponents and was finally killed by Akechi Mitsuhide's treachery.
In the case of studying for entrance examinations, it is obvious that critics will appear if you stay in the study room or refuse to go to school because the school lessons are not useful. However, I know in reality students who chose that path and passed the "Kyoto University School of Medicine.
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