
キョウダイセブン2022/08/26 00:20


It is not enough to be busy; so are the ants.  The question is: What are we busy about?            (Henry David Thoreau)





  All students study hard for entrance examinations. However, they are always categorized as "pass" or "fail" based on the results of the entrance examination. What separates "pass" from "fail"? Genetics and upbringing may play a role, but "what you are doing" and "what kind of determination you are putting into it" also play a role.

 From a cram school instructor's point of view, it depends on what kind of instructor is teaching and what kind of teaching materials are being used. If you are aiming for the former imperial university, but you are taught by an instructor who failed the former imperial university, you will not be able to pass the entrance exam. As for teaching materials, a prep school that tries to sell materials published by its own prep school cannot be trusted.

 The people who decide on a cram school because "the building is nice or because it is advertised by a famous celebrity" are out of the question.



シェア - 「京大医学部4名合格講師」による受験対策講座(175)

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