Oasis Infobyte internship summary

ゲスト2022/08/23 14:22

I'm olagunju oluwabukola sussanah. I'm at student intern at Oasis infobyte. It's been a an awesome experience as an intern eversince I have been accepted. The task that was compiled was awesome and it's been good working on those projects as they enhanced my problem solving and critical thinking abilities.

Journey with them have been awesome as it gave the privileged to improve on my tech stack.

I was able to improve on my JavaScript stack and it's been awesome learning.

They helped me to improve my skill as a frontend developer and so joyous for their support.

I'm very excited about getting my certification as an intern and also adding the achievement to my resume.

Shout out to @oasisinfobyte.

Thank you.

Best regards,

Olagunju oluwabukola.

シェア - Oasis Infobyte internship summary



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