They enslave nations then give them places the names of the invaders
So in the following generation when folks unaware of this then they proud of where they from then praise the place they stay in
I don't like saying such stuff coz it makes people afraid in stead of encouraged with bravery
The point is not to be right but to enjoy and live life
With any destitute current enduring circumstances where you reside
Tryna be focused so I can clearly see
You sow what you reap
And i use music to show what i read
I know not to only believe What I see
And not to be easily fooled by what i think
Thouroughly think through what i feel
Experiment with it before deciding it's true or real
Then I use math without numbers to calculate all these wonders while finding the meaning of being
Combined with a purpose for breathing
When you a teen these things tend to suffocate you when overthinking
That's why I medicate and meditate instead of drinking
Coz spirits will only multiply my demons
And i know you prolly won't listen but if you don't learn the lesson then consequences is the one who's gonne be speaking to you
And i know I'm just seeming like a demon to you
I am the reflection you often neglect in essence the inner you
These are just trivial verbal visuals
A minimal of what I did for you
Some times it feels my shoes getting big for you
Huh, but you always surprise me
And sorry if i treat you like you're like me
But I'm fed up of speaking so nicely
All this time i did it so you would like me
But you treat my messages like toilet paper which you wipe with
So when I give you a slap of life, don't mind me
You don't have to make sense of all these divine things
As long as you use the gifts i give you, to write and read
To fight and speak and lead righteously
Coz if you don't, you'll know, how lightning feels
I love the Mess I is, I mean the Mess I Are
These are just messages, i spread by far
I am Desmond, thy Man of God
I'm just One, out of thousand billion stars
If anything happens to I there will be more
The thing bout this life that makes it odd
And fun simultaneously is the flaws
Inside us all, it's the most convincing
It's one of the reasons I know man made God
That is how i know who We Are
Before we could talk
Before words had any worth before inhaling, kush was wrong.
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