
キョウダイセブン2022/08/22 00:33



 国民の不安の大きさもマックスです。 自民党、つまり与党のイデオロギーに国民が不信感を持っている。それは、選挙協力が良くないというレベルの話ではありません。


 Today I feel the crisis of education in Japan. The Unification Church's doctrines are those that regard the emperor as lower than the Korean guru and Japan as a vassal state of Korea. Despite the fact that it does not fit into Japan's political ideological system (regime), it has a close relationship with the Liberal Democratic Party.

 The public's anxiety is also at a maximum. The public distrusts the ideology of the LDP, or ruling party. That is not to say that election cooperation is not a good idea.

 For some reason, Benesse was in charge of the "common test" for university entrance examinations. There was a chorus of opposition from the public, who felt it was a collusion between the Minister of Education and Science and a private contractor. Then came the report that Benesse is now in charge of the speaking test for metropolitan high schools in Tokyo. Again, there is a chorus of opposition from all sides. What in the world has become of Japanese politics?



シェア - 「京大医学部4名合格講師」による受験対策講座(171)

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