Looking at this picture, I can't help but smile because of the beautiful memories it gives.
This is a picture of Thebeezybee
while in primary school, 😁 at Murna Children School.
I really can't remember much but this picture has a lot of stories of different persons.
I can still remember Uncle Idris, my teacher and the names of some of my classmates; Zainab, Fatima, Mariam, Oluchukwu, Hajara, Tope, Bello, Hadiza, Helen,Evelyn, Peju, Chinazor,Obinna, Richard, Bose. That is the much I can remember 😁.
So here, we have the one who was a snob because her dad was a wealthy Alhaji (I don't know now if he is related to Dangote 😏). There is one who was so stubborn that she could even beat up a boy, (I don't know if she now married and has a female child following that step 😁). There is another whose parents fried Akara and puff puff at a popular bus stop; he always comes to school late and there will be oil stain somewhere on his uniform. There is another who smiled a lot; any little thing you do made her smile like a new bride. There are two here who were always seeking to come out first in class and if one amongst them gets the first position, the other cried bitterly. There is another that the father brings to school everyday in a 'tortise car' (like we use to call it then) and it made me feel the father had the best car in the world. 🙂
There is another who loved to sleep in class but at the sound of the bell her spirit comes alive 😂. Another one here can talk but at the sight of the teachers cane, her tears come rushing. 😂
This picture holds beautiful memories and that is why I can still remember a lot while looking at these faces.
I really don't know where life has taken these faces to but I am glad that life brought them my way. They are part of my beautiful childhood memories and I would really love to see them again 😍.
(On a lighter note)
Please why did we fold out hands and crossed our legs like we did in the picture? 😂
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