An old picture with its fading colours and unsettling poses, i stare closely at the young lady sitting next to me, smiling as if it was her families in that photo but it was all neighbouring kids with dirt high up from their feet to knees. And I see myself unfocused and legs off the floor as if the camera caught me unguarded, unknown how old I was then or what occasion drew the gathering but it seemed the most innocent yet ordinary moment, that I seem to remember nothing off, neither how old I was nor who that lady was or have become, but I'm sure she remembers perfectly and just maybe that memory was remade with her own children. But why that moment of all was captured even when we barely capture any, even in the most memorable events I can't tell, but I remember everybody else in it left, even as kids, moved somewhere else by their parents even I myself... But something about that photo with its dark hue and contrast, but surely it was nighttime and we were in our usual outfits in what seemed like a normal day with us having filled the street running around, not that I reminisce the day at all, but I could tell, because they were no better way for us to spend our day.
But as I think about it, it wasn't just the photo that drew my attention, but the thought that we were all so young and together only to become total strangers as time passes by.
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