Story doctor.2024/01/17 23:26

Paradise of tears is a story of a greedy man,who forcefully gave out her only daughter to a rich man,without knowing that the rich man is a woman beater.


A STORY TITLED,                                    PARADISE OF TEARS.                                      WRITTEN BY EZIMA UGOCHUKWU PRINCE ENTERTAINMENT.              -CHAPTER ONE.                              (John and her wife Kate having a  conversation).                                                                                                JOHN- my dear wife,now that our only daughter is through with her college education ,I think this  is the  right time she should  get married.            *KATE-well my husband you are right,but come to think of it,our daughter Tessy have not brought any suitor yet.                        JOHN-my dear that won't be necessary, because I have come to a conclusion that chief ego will marry Tessy our daughter.            KATE-(exclaimed)Harba oga just like that?why would you conclude without seeking my own opinion?who does that?                    JOHN-Am the one,and that is my final decision,your opinion is not for matters like this.                                                               KATE- really,selfish and greedy matters right?so you want to trade your only daughter happiness because of What You will be getting from chief right?let me ask you, how well do you know chief?and besides You are not the one going into that marriage but our daughter,so we should tell her forst and hear from her.                                                       JOHN-woman you are vomiting nonsense,am only doing what is best for our daughter, allowing a man who can take good care of her to marry her,i dont need her opinion, my decision is final on this particular topic.                                                              KATE-really, eze oye akwalam,you are the one with yam and cutlas,deal with the yam as it pleases you,but dont forget to be mindful of your hand too,so that you dont mistakenly cut your hand also.                                                       JOHN- woman go and eat and  sleep,that is all you know, you are speaking parable that doesn't have head,my friend go and bring my food jori am hungry.                                  CHAPTER TWO.                                          (Tessy and her friend joy having a conversation).                                           TESSY- my dear am really happy for you ooh!, so very soon you will become madam,Am so happy for you.                       JOY- don't worry Tessy your own time will soon come,that reminds me how is your man Ken?                                                              TESSY-my dear his fine oh!,he asked me to give him a little time,let him finish his house manship then he will come and do the necessary things.                                           JOY-wow! Am happy to hear This, main you and Ken have come a long way,he should do fast ooh!,time is not much on our side oh! As women.well God will surely answer our prayers.                                                       TESSY-Amen ooh!                               CHAPTER THREE.                              (John,Kate and Tessy having family discussion).                                                 JOHN- my daughter i and your mother have something important to tell you.                          TESSY- okay Dad am all ears.                            JOHN- my daughter your mother and i,have concluded that you will get married to chief ego.                                                                KATE-(exclaimed) please,please, my husband i and you did not conclude anything,infact it was your whole  idea,and decision, don't include me on it please.                                      TESSY- dad like seriously?did you take the wrong snuff today or what?dad what has come over you?how could you come up with such idea,chief ego who is your age mate?I can't believe this,dad you want me to marry chief ego,let me ask you,so what happens between i and  ken?some one  you both have known since our childhood?please dad go and take the right snuff,i guess this one you took before taking such decision is touching your brain.                                                            JOHN- You must be very stupid to say that,i dont know the right snuff again, snuff that i have been taken even before i got married to your mother,and let me sound this as a warming, let today be the last time,you will ever mention that name ken in this house,Ken my foot,that good for nothing boy?who is not yet ready to settle down even in his next generation? don't ever mentioned that stupid boys name ever again in this house,and get ready to marry chief ego and my decision is final.                                                         CHAPTER FOUR.(Tessy sat down under a tree while talking to her self)oh! My God,what has come over papa?isit all about chief ego money?why would Papa suggest a thing like this? chief ego who is old enough to be my father, besides I don't know anything about him,how will I just marry someone I know nothing about?how do i leave without my ken?am in deep mees (Hmmm)God please see me through.                                                   CHAPTER FIVE.(after long battle between tessy and his dad,six months later Tessy got married to chief ego,and life became hell for her, just bearly one week she got married to chief ego, chief ego have turned Tessy into a punching bag,he will panel beat Tessy in any given opportunity, just in a week after there marriage chief ego has beaten Tessy more than twenty different occasions,the last beating almost took Tessy life.                            CHAPTER SIX.(Kate and John in bedroom conflict).                                                       KATE-(shouting at John)oga decision maker,are you happy now? selfish man,i warned you about this your greedy idea,now look at what your daughter is going through in the hands of that good for nothing chief of yours,your daughter is living in a paradise of pain.                                                               JOHN- (Hmmm)woman allow me to think straight, in fact Am speechless,i cant believe this,how would I have known that chief ego is a woman beater?I only wanted a good life for our daughter,and you can see how our lives have changed since chief ego came into our lives.                                                              KATE-you didn't know chief ego was a woman beater,How would you know,when all you were after was your personal gains,oga now that you know, what have you done?since your only daughter have been living in that hell called mansion,or are you waiting for that good for nothing man to kill our only daughter before you do something about it?                                                        JOHN-woman stop sounding foolishly, what personal gain are you talking about?I wanted a good life for my daughter, but I mistakenly made the wrong choice, have you not been eating the same money with me?please is okay woman,I have heard you,iwill talk to chief ego this very  last time,and give him the benefit of doubt, since he has apologised and ask for our forgiveness,if he eventually repeat it again,that means he has a spirit of beating women flowing in his blood,which means is a family inheritance. and that will mark the end of my daughter marrying him.                              KATE-Hmmm! Can you hear your self?instead of you to take action like a father whose only daughter want to be killed, you are hear talking about chief ego apology,have you suddenly forgot that chief ego apology  is like our daily food,how many times have chief apologize for the same act,if you ask me my husband,it is better our daughter leave that Godforsaken house immediately,to prevent story that touches the heart,look at this last beating landed her in the hospital.                   JOHN-you are right my dear,but don't forget she's chief ego wife,I need to have a round table with chief ego and make him understand that my daughter can not be a punching bag in his house, and if he ever lay his hands on my daughter again,the marriage is over, and this meeting would include his own kindsmen too,so relaxed let me handle it.                                                              CHAPTER SEVEN.                                        (Two weeks later Tessy invited a pastor to come talk to her parents,that faithful day,John,Kate, Tessy and pastor sat in a round table conversation begins).                      JOHN-pastor you are highly welcome,if I may ask what brought you to our house?              PASTOR-thank you sir,well your daughter Tessy have told me all that she have been going through in her husband house,and I said it would be wise if I should come down to have one or two words with you and your wife.                                                              KATE-pastor thank you for coming ooh!,my daughter have been going through hell in that man house, since she got married to chief ego,he has turned our daughter into a punching bag,                                          PASTOR-Hmmm! I keep saying this when ever am doing marriage counseling,the most important element of a peaceful marriage, however is not the beauty of the building or how large it is,the cars, the money, but the relationship existing among the people dwelling in it.A happy balance marriage is always the dream of every man and woman.However many people never experienced the joy and bliss they strive for when they eventually become married.marriage can only work if two people agry,and when love dwell among the couples, material things can't buy love,or give peace of mind when the two are not in tangle,so sir a word is enough for the wise.let us pray.                                                                   CHAPTER EIGHT.(Kate and John).                    KATE-my husband you heard it all from the pastor,you don't expect him to encourage divorce,but you as a father you have to use your brain and do the needful before it becomes late.(stay tune to be continue)


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