Nnenna: Episode 1&2

第2話 - Episode 2

Deenie2022/08/13 10:40

Episode Two: NNENNA:

Nnena's mom wondered how on earth her daughter dared such a risky Investment.🤔

'Let me tell you a story'

She said to Nnenna

'I know you wondered why I warned you as if I was seeing the future...' she said using the edge of her wrapper to clean her teary eyes.

'It's because it happened to me Some years ago and if I had known you had thoughts of doing such a thing I would have told you this story''

Her voice was coarsed as she spoke. Nnena stared unblinkingly at her.

'It happened that I was saving money to put my life together. I wasn't having good clothes, I barely made good hair.

I just lived like I didn't care about how I looked but deep down inside I wished for a better life''.

Tears started rolling down her cheeks, she gave a mild pause and again used the edge of her wrapper to wipe her face which was already swollen.

'All that mattered to me was to take care of you after the death of your father. you know your father's brother had taken over all that belonged to your father because I didn't bare him a male child 😭'

She tried to as much as she could to control her tears but she failed. Nnenna couldn't control her's either. Drawing close to her mother, she held her feet and cried loudly. Regrets ate deep into her bones and she wished she never did what she did. She wished she could turn back the hands of time, but that couldn't be possible because time as we all know is irreversible. She was literally crying over a spilled milk.

'They persisted, showing me proof of how it benefitted them. The pressure was strong from everyside. Along the line I decided to try it out. The night I invested he platform crashed.😭