I'm taking my leave
But the fragments, the remisiscents of the day I first came here remains
Life was the bluest sky, changing into a darkest night
I had spend crescent of my life in oblivion
I wasn't the mould you wanted to carve
Wasn't your canvas to paint
I was a stranger in your space
I was the ivy growing on every inch of your being
My eyes were opened to your pain but was too far away to do anything
I was the wild fire that goes out of control
Burns the haven, the stars, the atoms of the tiniest things
But your tears claimed to be stronger than the wrath
I came back calm as a swan's heart
How was I not aware that seasons change that change to change everything?
Every year I knew you less
And got what I didn't expect
You sit Infront of me
In your eyes I see myself
The self I was when I first came here
There wasn't just a an exchange of moments, or of memories
It was the carving of deepest scars into the coldest skin
But I guess seasons changed to change me too
And maybe now I'm something new
Brown glass veil stands between us
Our reflections scared and staring back
Eyes settled on the souls trapped inside the jar of time
I took your home with kindness and gratitude
There should be a jar between us now
And that's the jar I want to pocket and never see again
But the truth is
it's too late now
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