Nilai - Toyota Eco Youth Program is a collaborative effort between UMW Toyota Motor and the Ministry of Education.The purpose of holding this competition is to foster environmental awareness and promote respect for the environment.SMK Dato ' Mohd Said was selected by the Ministry of Education (Moe) through the State Education Department to represent Negeri Sembilan.
With that, Cikgu Aini Syahidah as STEM Teacher of SMK Dato 'Mohd Said has formed a team called” the Breaking Good" led by Miithran along with its members Ahmad Mansur Iskandar , Ong Yee ling and Farah Elisha.They have to solve environmental issues inherent in society,such as garbage pollution,air pollution or water pollution.
Therefore, the Breaking Good has collaborated with the Solid Waste Management and public cleaning Corporation (SWCorp) to carry out Gotong-Royong activities in Nilai public park in conjunction with World Cleanup Day 2023.15 volunteers have been selected from SMK Dato Mohd’ Said Nilai to participate in this activity.
Even the garden,which named Taman Awam Nilai looks clean and beautiful..A total of 70KG of waste which includes plastic bottles , plastic bags , aluminum cans , glass bottles, polystyrene containers and waste has been collected .The remains have been classified and recycled.
A volunteer involved in this activity said stated that he did not expect to find so much garbage because the park did not look very dirty, but the results were surprising.
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