If you are also troubled by hair fall, then you can adopt this recipe mentioned here.

Herry2022/07/30 19:43

Taking advice from the neighborhood and friends, adopts various remedies and tries to stop hair fall. If you are also troubled by hair fall, then you can adopt this recipe mentioned here.

If you are also troubled by hair fall, then you can adopt this recipe mentioned here.

Actually, the problem of hair fall increases a lot during the rainy season. You must be doing hair oiling to get rid of it, but it will not be getting any benefit. Today we will tell you how to make such an oil which will be very effective in preventing hair fall.

how to make oil

To make this oil, you will need mustard oil, coconut oil, fenugreek seeds, dried rose petals, dry neem leaves. Now heat a pan and add mustard and coconut oil to it. Let it heat up well. Now add fenugreek seeds, dried rose petals and dry neem leaves to it. Now cook the oil for so long that all these things get burnt in it. It will take at least five minutes to make. Now let it cool down and then filter it and fill it in a container.

how to find

Now apply this oil on the scalp on clean hair and leave it on for an hour. Then wash the hair thoroughly. For better results, apply it on the hair two to three times a week.

シェア - If you are also troubled by hair fall, then you can adopt this recipe mentioned here.



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