
キョウダイセブン2022/07/26 01:04








 私は英検1級の準備の勉強は自分でやる他ありませんでした。京大医学部医学科を受ける生徒も適当な指導者がいないので自分で勉強法を編み出すしかない。今はネットの時代なので「京大 英作文 添削」などでチェックをするしかない。


 Are there any high school students around you who are taking the Kyoto University School of Medicine entrance exam, or who are in the top 5 to 10 in the mock examinations? When I was a high school student, my neighbor O-kun was such a student. He was number one in all subjects, both science and humanities, by a landslide.

 When I was in school, I felt weird and didn't want to get close to him. However, I realized something when I was about to take the Eiken Level 1 exam myself. I called ECC in Nagoya to prepare for the exam and asked if they had any suitable classes.

 Then, I was told over the phone.
“There is no such class. There are very few people who take Eiken Level 1.“

“We don't even have instructors who can teach it.“

 There are no teachers who can teach high school students who rank in the top 10 or so in the nation. There are no school teachers who graduated from Kyoto University's Faculty of Medicine. Even among instructors at prep schools and cram schools, only a few prep schools in Kyoto have university students from the Kyoto University School of Medicine working part-time.

 I had no choice but to study for the EIKEN Level 1 preparation by myself. Students who take the Kyoto University School of Medicine also have to create their own study methods because there are no appropriate instructors. Since we are now in the age of the Internet, they have no choice but to check on sites such as "Kyoto University English Composition Corrections.

 Then, they find me because about 3 out of 10 articles, excluding advertisements, are mine. So they trust me because I have researched how to get a high score after taking Kyoto University seven times, and I have included a grade disclosure where I actually got an 80%.

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