Mulimba2022/07/24 19:05



Often, before getting married, one thinks that marriage

It must be a big party with a lot of investment, which includes a new car in the garage;

But the reality is that no one has everything in life

And marriage is not just for the rich in life


Marriage is for everyone who loves each other and wants to form a family;

Wedding isn't exactly a family party,

It can be summarized in a breakfast only

For those who can't afford a big party


The wedding is more of a ceremony, than a party

But what makes us celebrate is the joy of the moment of party

The celebration that actually love is good in wedding;

The celebration that manifests itself through the completion of the wedding.


That's why lack of money can't be the cause of never getting married,

Money cannot be an obstacle to fulfilling our responsibility;

When we look at marriage as our responsibility

At all costs we will fight for its realization, and then rest when fulfilled!


After civil registration, or even after the priest’s blessing

You can have a special juice and a tasty cake;

It will still be a beautiful wedding!

Marriage is also an example for those who attended

Marriage is more about obedience to the law of God and men;

Therefore, united by marriage, the bride and groom are sealed

Being together in a home not to give up; standing as an example to men!


Marriage is the gateway to another stage and experience in life

With marriage a lesson is given to the future generation

And a custom remains in the family about how to act when the subject is this in life.

Thus, a practical apprenticeship passed on to another generation.


That's why a wedding is better than just a party!

It is better to be faithful to your partner even with little, than to demand beyond his capacity.

In fact, we love when we have a good understanding.

But we barely act when we exaggeratedly demand another level of partying.


The love and celebration of marriage must start in the heart of the person

After a lot of analysis and approval of who should be the right person.

Who loves must first analyze carefully still on the way

What the other has and knowing how to speak, as well as help in the right way!


Could it be that what we often see is a wedding or simply a party?

Marriage makes us forget the past and look to the future

At the wedding, we dream more than being at a party!


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