Bloodline Of Witches

第3話 - Chapter 1

Vicky Clem2022/07/10 19:03

The sun whistled softly and it began to set gradually. It was almost winter, which made the atmosphere damp, the sound of birds chirping softly. It is the 18th century in the kingdom of Linerdo, the great land of truce and equivalency. The sounds of galloping horses rode into the realm, heading towards the palace.

They got closer to the palace, their horses ran in order and they galloped into the court; the sound of their feet attracted servants who turned their heads staring at the strangers in dismay. The atmosphere in the palace was filled with life and various activities done by the servants who were seen around, moving from one direction to another in the vast palace.

Among the men who marched into the realm, a hefty black man got down from his horse, glaring around with a stern face. He had an eye patch on one eye which made him look tough and unapproachable. He gazed back at his men, who stood apart waiting for his order. He turned his head, his gaze fixed on the palace door which stood feet away. He looked up at the magnificent building before him and walked towards the building, his men followed behind obediently.

They marched into the palace; its beautiful designs were displayed graciously, adorned with flowers and lovely layouts. Servants walked around carrying baskets of fruits entering into a room; some placed the baskets on each seat as different maids stood at a spot made for the king as they adorned the throne with bouquets.

The strangers walked past the large hall and entered a room; lights stunned brightly, filling the room. Seated at the end of the room was a young prince in royal clothing, his eyes fixed on the men who walked into the room coming closer to him.

"Your lordship," the hefty man greeted, bowing slightly, gently raising his head, and glancing at the young prince who glared at him with intense eyes.

"The plans for your coronation tomorrow have been made ready." The black man notifies, his eyes fixed on the prince as his men stood a few feet away. 

Prince Robert glared at the men one after the other and back to the man who stood before him, "Nicholas." he called out, his hands placed on the wooden area of the seat he sat on. "You should protect the kingdom during the coronation. You and your men should be alert and make sure that no intruder passes through the gates. Nobles from neighboring kingdoms will visit to witness my coronation, and as you can see," Prince Robert looked around, his hand swaying around, "Preparations are taking place as I speak; my servants beautifully decorate the palace, so, I want you to play your role diligently." Prince Robert instructed, raising a finger at the men.

Nicholas bowed gently towards the prince, "You have my word, your lordship, my men, and I will make sure that the kingdom is safe." he said.

Prince Robert nodded with a happy face, "That's good; you and your men can leave now," he ordered.

Nicholas and his men bowed slightly and exited the room one after the other.

Exhaling deeply, The handsome prince sat with heavy thoughts. He is the finest among men in the kingdom. His long black hair, adorned and stood graciously, adding more elegance to his face. His eyebrows, full and dark as night, have sparkling Hazel eyes that bring intense feelings to anyone his gaze falls on no matter how big or small the person is. His chin, smooth without a trace of a beard, his lips, red as blood. He has a tall figure that added more splendor when he walked or went out on battles. He is the dream of every young lady in the kingdom; even the female servants look at him with lusty eyes whenever he passes by.

Tomorrow, he will be made king because of his father's departure a few days ago. The idea of being king was never his dream; he hoped for more, exploring life outside the kingdom, but his plans will only remain as goals, nothing else.

 Footsteps approaching alerted him; he looked up and saw his mother. She had a basket of fruits in her hands as she walked closer to where Robert sat, with smiles all over her face.

"Mother," Robert called out; he stood and walked towards her attempting to help her with the basket.

Queen Arundel stopped him by holding his hand, "Son, I can't let you." she remarked, smiling as she touched his face, "You are going to be the next King of this kingdom; you should not do things like this anymore." she said with a laugh. 

Robert came closer to her, "Mother, being a king will never change that I am your son, never." He affirmed as he tried to help her again.

"No, my son, don't bother about it." Queen Arundel stopped him again; she glared at her son, her smile fading, "What is wrong, my son? You don't look cheerful; talk to me." She whispered, staring at him.

Prince Robert managed to smile, his mind filled with unspoken words, the sounds of the night filling the room.

 "I am fine, mother; I am tired due to the coronation arrangements; a little sleep will fix everything, I assure you that" He smiled at her.

Holding the basket, she had his face, "Alright, my son, the king of Gladion, will be here very soon. You know he was friends with your father, so he can't miss out on your coronation." She announced. 

"Alright, mother, I will be expecting his visit, but right now, I have to return to my privy chamber; my servants will inform me when he comes." Saying this, Prince Robert walked out of the hall; his eyes fixed on the walls as he headed out, his mind filled with unspoken words.