◆ Emoji texts - Do you often use emojis while texting? If so, you are often seen as open to showing your emotions and truthful. You want others to know how you’re feeling when using a message. No ambiguity here! To make sure the other person doesn’t get the wrong idea about your message, you make sure to express the tone of your message with an emoji every now and then.
◆Perfect grammar - If you text in this manner, odds are, you are thoughtful and analytical. You generally don’t text often and like in-person conversations more. You are an excellent thinker and are rooted in logic more often than quick-impulse emotions. This all can be reason why you take attention to the little details.
◆One word response - you have a more reserved personality and are not comfortable sharing your thoughts and feelings with other people. You might be the type who is always busy and does not have much time to respond. You may be more introverted as well and enjoy spending a good amount of time alone rather than always socializing.
◆ Multiple short texts - If you scatter your thoughts into several texts and simply text a sentence as soon as it comes to mind, you are likely seen as energetic and open. You most likely have a large number of friends and you are extremely sociable, so texting is second nature to you.
◆ Paragraph texts - If your texts are lengthy and thoughtful, odds are you are the type of person who understands the importance of context. You are usually thoughtful and you will generally have a lot to say.
Similar to one who texts with perfect grammar, you are detail-oriented and enjoy deep conversations.
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