Something happened this morning on my way to work.
I joined a bus to work this morning that was filled with persons going to work as myself and some going to the market. (You could tell from the bags they carried).
We approached a bus stop that was crowded with people. The bus driver stopped as one of the passengers had to alight.
Seeing the large crowd and some guys lying unconsciously on the ground, the next question was "What is happening here?"
We were told that the guys lying on the ground were caught in the act of stealing.
Trust some of my country men who got no chills. They have given these guys beatings of their life making them unconscious.
Guess what some passengers in the vehicle said "You guys are wasting time, just put tires on their necks and set them ablaze."
My response was to the guy in front because he was really stressing the issue. "Oga sir, that's not right. Jungle justice is not the option. They should be handed over to the police".
"Which police? By the time they hand them over to the police, they will be released and then go back to the same act", he responded.
"They should just burn them once and for all so that they will never try stealing in their life again".
🙄 "How is it possible that they will try it again when they are dead?" I thought.
Luckily, some security operatives got to the scene and we left.
I am sure that they will handle the issue as it ought to be.
I can't believe people (especially the ones that you think are learned) support jungle justice!
What's your take?
#thebeezybee #wednesday #whatishappening #mobilejournalist #mystory