第2話 - The Do-gooder
Hmm, It is funny how we met
Two strangers
One needing help
And one overly ready to give it
By the time the do-gooder realized
He had already fallen in love
The funny thing is
The other stranger, was already with another
But it didn't prevent them from sharing a bond
At least, so did the do-gooder think
They could talk for hours on the phone
Chat as much as couples do
He shared his secrets
And was as open to her as a book
He would have done everything to make her happy
But it just wasn't meant to be
The do-gooder realized his heart chose wrong
When the lady of his dreams started showing her colours
There were no more long calls
No more long chats
All he could hear were excuses
As to why things weren't as they were
This unfortunate man, was lost in himself
And that was me, The Other Man.