Things are not really the way
I imagined them to be
I keep waiting for the love
That am certain was never going to come
No matter how hard I tried
It's always impossible to portray
At first I thought it was all love
But little did I know that
It was just my illusion
It was all nothing but friendship
And I misquoted it all for love
I could still clearly remember your words
When you said you are not ready to date anyone
When I told you how I feel about you
But you rejected it that instant
Saying we can't never be more than just best friend
My eyes were filled with an invisible tears
My heart was crashed between pains
And my face was covered with fake smile
Making you believe that I was okay with your decision
My heart still failed to believe your words
It keeps wondering what exactly could be between us
Could it be Love or Friendships?
Because from the look of your eyes
I see nothing but an unspeakable love
You wish, you could say it
But you are scared to admit
You keep saying you don't believe in the word 'LOVE'
But you hate it so much when you see me talking to others
Little did I know that you're lying to your heart.
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