Samminfro802022/06/18 09:43


His fame and fortune has spread across the world which arouse hatred and jealousy from some people who would always seek to bring him down. Various plot has been mastermind for his downfall but all prove abortive. He has a parent who would always be there for him on all circumstance.

As the hatred from people aggravates, they revert to kill him, that’s the only way his success can be hindered. They concluded.

It was a bloody night with the most tragic event of his life, the enemies where at it again, breaking their way to his home. They came in their numbers just like military coup to eliminate their rival.

“where is he?” They shouted as they broke into his home. “Who are you looking for?” Asked the man. “How dare you question us” common lie down they commanded.

“we will not lie down, until you tell us who you are looking for.” “I can see you are proving stubborn, now where is your son or we will kill you both.” he was in the bedroom as he hears the voice of the gunmen threatening to kill his parent. He wish he could come out and strangle them but, he has no gun. “What do I do now” he asked himself. His parents where still face with the gun as the gunmen threatened to bring him out and face the consequence of death. “Why do you seek my son the woman asked”

“we don’t have time for question, it is either you bring your son out or we will pull the trigger” Said the gunmen. “we are ready to die for our son” said the man “common kill us we aren’t scared of death” the woman continued.

What a decision his parent had taken for him. What love could be greater than these he bewildered. As the sound of the gunshot echoed twice killing his lovely parent, he ran through the back door for a hide-out. The gun men searched every nook and cranny of the room but couldn’t find him and departed the home with disappointment.

Moments later, he came back from his hide-out to see his loving parent corpse life less on the floor. They had collected the shot meant for him. He cried and wept bitterly as the tears of a mourning son drops down his eyes. His parent had died for his sake. what love they had for him; he calls them his first love. A lover that can hadly be replaced. As he cried and wept bitterly, all he could do was to dedicate a poem in memory of his loving parent.

“My first love

The sun shines at noon

The moon glamour at night

The star dazzles its beauty

But none could be compared to the beauty of your heart.

‘my first love

the greatest asset of all

neither Could wear nor tear

even the passage of time cannot drowned away your love.

‘My first love

You do not stumble in the dilemma

But triumph in the midst of uncertainties

And your love glitter all over my heart

He wept for years but no amount of tears could bring back his parent and now he must acclimatize to not loving with his first love




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