How to make money online without a website: website or no website

Saifmooler2022/06/16 14:11
How to make money online without a website: website or no website

Do you want to generate money online but lack the necessary knowledge or funding to launch your own online business? You don’t have to worry, because there are numerous online marketing methods available to you, to begin with. how to make money online without a website? well, Affiliate marketing is one of these choices, if not the greatest. Joining an affiliate marketing program is usually quick and uncomplicated. And most affiliate programs allow you to sign up for free.

Despite this and all of the benefits that affiliate programs provide, many people are still afraid to participate in affiliate marketing.

One of the reasons why many individuals are concerned is that he/she does not have a website with which to begin marketing his/her affiliate products. People often ask a question like, what if I don’t have a website, could this work? This is a question for any newcomers out there. And the answer is right here, with me, in this article. How to make money online without a website. Let’s go!! 

What is Affiliate Marketing? 

How to make money online without a website

Affiliate marketing is a way for businesses and individuals to earn money by promoting other businesses’ products and services. The affiliate marketing company then pays the person or company a commission from the sales they made. 

Affiliate marketing provides first-time online marketers like you the chance to market something online even without having your product to sell. All you have to do is to sign up with an affiliate marketing program, which is usually owned by an online merchant or retailer, and start picking the products you want to promote.

As an affiliate, you are paid by the merchant for your services on a commission basis, that is whenever you have directed a visitor to the merchant’s site and the visitor buys something. you can learn more about affiliate marketing here

How to make money online without a website

How to make money online without a website

Many people say that one can not do affiliate marketing without a website to start with. Well, that’s not true, one can start promoting and marketing his affiliate products even without a website. And there exist a lot of ways on how this can be done.

Many affiliate marketing strategies that lead to success can exist without actually needing a website. Among these strategies are email marketing, offline promotions, writing free e-books, writing e-zines, Q&A sites, and engaging in online discussions like forums, chats, message boards, and others.

Email Marketing

email marketing

The most popular affiliate marketing approach that does not require the affiliate to maintain a website is email marketing or keeping email lists.

This is one of the best ways if not the best, to sell products or services online? In the year 2020 research shows that automated welcome emails sent by e-commerce players had a conversion rate of 51.9 percent, according to worldwide data gathered on an e-mail marketing automation platform.

Automated cart abandonment emails had a conversion rate of 33.89 percent. However, Email marketing has a high conversion rate. if like an email marketing software check this reviews review

getresponse review

In the affiliate marketing method, you keep a list of your potential customers’ email addresses and send them articles that are related to the affiliate products and services you’re promoting.

Articles that you provide your contacts with need not always be promotional, for many individuals find such types of email annoying.

Rather, it would be better if you provide them with something informative and just add small text ads that link to your merchant’s site. 

Offline Promotion

You can promote your affiliate products in a variety of methods offline. Classified advertisements, pamphlets, and flyers are some of the most typical promotional materials. In general, classified advertising in periodicals would do better than the other two because they reach a larger audience. So offline promotion is a good way to market products or services online.

Writing free e-books


In the absence of a website, publishing an e-book can be the finest approach to market your affiliate products if you have a knack for writing.

Your readers will appreciate your e-book more if it is useful rather than promotional, just as they do with emails and newsletters.

Make sure that the contents of your e-books are relevant to the affiliate products you’re promoting.

Many people use this strategy to market their products or services. And just like in email marketing, you can just place text ads or banners somewhere near the end of your e-book that links to the merchant’s site. 

Writing Free E-zines

E-zines are publications or articles that aim to inform individuals about a particular topic. 

If you don’t have a website and yet want to be an affiliate, you can well use e-zines to promote your affiliate products or to insert links to your merchant’s site.

If you have a website, your e-zine article may work well as content for your site. But since you have no website, you can just submit your free e-zine articles to various websites that host e-zines, like, and others.

Online discussions (Forums, Chats, Message Boards, etc.)

How to make money online without a website

With or without a website, you just can’t ignore online discussions because they are great venues for marketing your affiliate products.

In chats, forums, message boards, and discussion boards with topics related to your products, you can easily find people who may be interested in the products you are promoting. 

This can very well work with online forums like, of the largest forum worldwide. And many social media platforms like FacebookTwitter, InstagramLinkedIn, and Pinterest.

Another good way is a site that allows you to create your blog post for free. Sites like,,, and You can create a blog post and insert your affiliate link for free on these platforms.

Q&A sites

A Q&A website is a place where people ask different kinds of questions that want an answer. There are many Q&A sites like,, and

Quora is the most popular Q&A site, with billions of visits a far month. Quora is a very good traffic source because quora aren’t designed for casual conversation or amusement, it’s mostly used to ask questions.

It’s a question-and-answer session. Quora, in my opinion, is an intellectual gathering where individuals ask questions about how to handle various challenges. Quora is used by affiliate marketers to take advantage of people’s curiosity and profit from it. Although quora are not the only Q&A site, it is the most well-known.


how to make money online without a website. With all these strategies, it may appear that one doesn’t need to have a website to start marketing his affiliate products and promoting his affiliate programs. 

Well, starting an affiliate program without a website may be easy, but getting successful in affiliate marketing without a website is another thing.

While one can gain enormous success in affiliate marketing even without a website, it is a rare instance that “newbies” like you can reach the same levels of success.

Having a website is not a prerequisite in entering into an affiliate program unless otherwise, the program owner would require you to have one. But while this is so, I would still recommend that you have for yourself a website, if not now, then maybe at a later time.

In affiliate marketing, having a website provides numerous benefits. For starters, it gives you a space where you may creatively promote not just one, but all of your affiliate products.

You may also advertise your affiliate products to a larger audience through a website. it doesn’t cost much to have a website, as one can create website completely for free with

Again, affiliate marketing does not necessitate the use of a website. But, given the benefits of having a website, I’d rather have one for myself to make affiliate marketing a lot easier.

thank you


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