第2話 - Who's the best?

Favour Gowin2023/12/31 18:43

Scene Four

Madam Bridget and Rosetta walks into a fully furnished bedroom which has a Mimi toilet.

Rosetta: (stunned) Wow! this is huge (looks around) can I ask a question?

madam Bridget: (smiles) go on, I'm all ears.

Rosetta: (puts down her suitcase on the bed and looks at her) on our way here we passed other rooms, right?

madam Bridget: (nods with a smile) mmmmhmmm.

Rosetta: this is meant to be a hotel and not a restaurant, don't you agree with me.(puts on a confused look) but why did the boss make it so?

madam Bridget: (comes closer to Rosetta and pulls her gently to the bed as they both sat down) I don't want to sound like a gossip, but since you are now part of us, I think it's your right to know. (looks side to side to observe the area, then placed the edge of her palm on the side of her mouth as she whispers) when master duke's mother, madam Emilia, was still alive, this restaurant you see now, was a small eatery. (puts down her hand and smiles) I was the only one working with her then, I was the dish washer then. most times young master duke would assist me to wash dishes. he loves the kitchen. (smiles) I remember the first time he chopped onions and when the liquid got into his eyes he cried all day, thinking he would get blind.

Rosetta: (laughs) I know that feeling.

madam Bridget: to make him stop crying, his mother made his favorite, bean soup. (smiles) she was such a good cook. (puts on a sober look as tears flows from her eyes) when she died young master duke was 13 years old, he was still so young. he was so broken. (exhales sadly) then he vowed to protect and grow this restaurant.

Rosetta: now I see why he left it as a restaurant, he maintained his mother's legacy. hmmmmm.

madam Bridget: (stands up) I have waisted much time here, I have to go now. please make your self comfortable. your apron and toque blanche will be sent to you tonight.

Rosetta: (confused) pardon? toque what?!

madam Bridget: oooh! "toque blanche" is a french word for white hat.

Rosetta: alright! (nods in confirmation)"toque blanche"

madam Bridget: alright then, have some rest now, so you can resume work strong and healthy tomorrow morning. (exit's the room)

Rosetta: (lays on the bed and thinks inwardly) I know it's not easy to lose a parent at a young age, but must he be that rude to me. the last time I checked, I didn't even offend him in any way. how could he say smelly rats are in my suitcase. (pouts) he's such a dooshbag. (yawns) I'm so tired. (closes her eyes and sleep's off.)

....... Lights out ........

Scene Five

At seven o'clock in the morning Rosetta takes her bath and quickly gets dressed putting on an apron and a white hat as she heads out to the kitchen.

Rosetta: (on getting there she sees the workers all lined up facing Duke while he speaks angrily to them all. she joins the line and whispers to the pastry chef.) what happened? what's going on?

pastry chef: (whispers, while her eyes are still fixed on Duke) master Duke is not in a good mood today.

Rosetta: what happened, did anyone offend him?

pastry chef: no one did. (muttered slightly loud) he is just scolding everyone for no reason. (pins her lips Immediately and widens her eyes in fear)

Duke: (now mute glaring at them all) who said that? (everyone looks at them selves in confusion) don't play dumb with me. "he is just scolding everyone for no reason", I heard that. (shouts out angrily) who said it? (everyone mumbles not wanting to take the blame) you all will lose your jobs if I don't get an answer right now.

Busser: (shivers) it was the pastr......

Rosetta: (cuts in) me.. (exhales) it was me.

Duke: (glares at her with a frown) how dare you murmur such about me. step forward.

Rosetta: sir!! (heart beats fast as she walks forward) sir. (now standing close to him as she trembles in fear.)

Duke: (lift's up an eyebrow and stares at her in dismal) you don't look like someone that can cook. you should be in a school for gossipers, don't you think so?

Rosetta: (stares at him with a puzzled expression as she clears her throat). actually sir, I can cook. (smiles) I'm a really good cook (she winked her eye as He frowns the more)

Duke: then let's see if that's true. challenge me right now in cooking, any person's food that the customer compliments more, is the best. (smirks) you can cook huh. we will see about that. (Rosetta stares mute at him) afraid? (smirks)

Rosetta: (chest's out boldly) count me in. (smiles stiffing her lips together)

soon the battle began, the chefs all stood mute, watching as they both cooked the same meal in different pots with the ingredients of their choice. they sliced and chopped each of their vegetable produce with so much grace and steadiness. the sound of knifes sharpening each other filled the kitchen. Duke and Rosetta would glare at each other when ever they added a spice to their food, Rosetta glared at him playfully not holding anything in mind but Duke glared at her with so much anger and hatred in his eyes.

It was now forty minutes and they were finally done. though Duke finished before rosetta. they served their food on plates and and placed it on trays. each tray had a written note with their names on it.

Duke: (smirks and speaks to the servers) go out their and give out this meals to any customer you see there. if they ask tell them it's on the house. if they need more they should hand the written note on their trays to any server stand by. but they would have to pay for it. got that?

servers: (All twelve of them answered in chorus) YES SIR.... (they began to take out the meals to the customers who were already seated)

Duke sits restlessly, waiting for the response of the customers while Rosetta stands, resting her back on the wall and staring at him as the chefs all gets to work..

Rosetta: (thinks inwardly while gazing at duke) why is he so uptight. it's just a silly cooking competition between the both of us, not an international cooking awards competition. why is he acting like his life depends on it? (immediately a server dashed into the kitchen with a written note as duke stood up immediately with a slight smile on his face.)

1st waiter: a customer said he wants to bye more of ...... (everyone in silence to hear the order. as Duke's heart unknowingly begins to beat fast) master duke's food (hands over the note to duke)

Duke:(collect's the note and smirked as he glared at rosetta) who's the winner now huh?!

Rosetta: (smiles) congrats sir, you deserve it. (duke still glares at her as five other servers dashed in, later on two followed)

servers: (one speaks first) the customers ordered for more of.....(the servers reads out the name on the notes in chorus) the executive chef Rosetta's food. (Rosetta smiles happily)

Duke: (snatches the note from one of the servers and reads it as he frowns and squeezed the note, tightening his fingers to a fist) what gave you all the right to call her an executive chef?

server 1: we are sorry sir, but that's what is written on the....

Duke: (shouts angrily) shut up... (glares at rosetta with so much hatred as he walks out of the kitchen)

Rosetta: (in a daze, thinks inwardly) Jesus Christ. the deadly gaze in his eyes were like guns pointing at me, already shooting me down. why is he so bitter towards me? (smiles and thinks inwardly) maybe he is upset that I beat him to his own game. then I will prepare something delicious that will make him happy. (smirks)

........ lights out ........