Before the invention of the computers there was the typewriter and before the typewriter there was a pen and paper and before pen and paper there were other tools of writing like clay, wood, slate etc.
As you can tell by now, the act of writing has been a part of human culture from the days of chiseling stories on to the walls of caves and we have evolved, so have our writing tools. In fact, today's writers and storytellers are spoiled for the choice when it comes to deciding which tools to use.
The following list details our favorite writing tools and resources for taking any idea through to it's written conclusion. So without wasting much time, let's dive right into it.
1. Reedsy Book Editor
Reedsy is a free, online word processor that formats your books as you write. It comes with an automatic spell checker and a built-in goal reminder system to get you back into shape if you find that you're falling behind on your writing schedule.
Another interesting functions of Reedsy Book Editors is that let's you instantly typeset your manuscript to EPUB and print- ready PDF files. See ur draft automatically turn into a professional looking, ready to publish manuscript with Reedsy Book Editor.
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2. Libreoffice
Next on our list is Libreoffice, which is an open source answer for people who want to try Microsoft without paying the price tag. Open source means that the software is built on code that anyone can inspect and enhance. Don't let the code aspect scare you because it's compatible with all of the regular file types people are used to, such as .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt and .pptx files.
If you like a classic word processor then you should check out Libreoffice and moreover it's a free one.
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3. Draft
Draft is a book writing software that not only tracks how many words you write per day, but also email you daily reminders about your daily word count goals. It's just like an invisible being giving you tips about something you need to do. Awesome right!
Other than that, draft functions a lot like Google Docs: allowing you to track changes, collaborate via suggested edits and make comments on the doc. Check out draft, if you like Google Docs but want a simpler interface.
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4. Marketmuse
Marketmuse is a writing tools that helps you to optimize your writing for top ranking potentials. If it can show on your marketing strategy that you can write top ranking blogs, posts, etc. Clients will definitely look at you and hire you. Marketmuse is easy to use and also budget friendly. It's available for free but pricing starts at $79/month and grows with you based on your needs.
Check out Marketmuse, if you need that ideal tool to fast grow your website or agency
Website ➡️ https//
5. Keywords surfer
Keyword Surfer is a free chrome extension that shows estimated global and monthly search volumes for any query typed into Google. It works much the same way as another popular extension called Keywords Everywhere, which used to be free but recently switched to a paid model.
Keyword Surfer shows local search volume estimates for 19 countries, which includes the United States, the United kingdom, Canada, Brazil, France and Germany. So check out Keyword Surfer now if you need that catchy idea to wow your client.
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6. Questiondb
Questiondb finds the questions people are asking about a specific topic. It pulls these from a database of 48M questions sourced from Reddit. And there are plans to expand data sources in the future. Questiondb allows you to know particular want your audience really want, they're most searched for topics and those frequently asked questions.
Questions are sorted by popularity, but you can also sort by topics. This is a super useful feature because it also groups questions together. Check out Questiondb to know your audience thoughts and want they really want.
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7. Grammarly
Grammarly works by using context not just word referencing to fix your sentences. It goes beyond spell-check and can improve one's writing cohesion, fluency and vocabulary. The app is free to use whether as a chrome extension or desktop app, among others. Check out Grammarly, if you need that unique vocabulary editing software and app.
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8. Milanote
Milanote is an easy to use creative writing app to organize your research, ideas, characters and outline in one place. The vast majority of novelist oriented writing software is organized around the idea of a linear document. But for most people, writing isn't linear because thinking isn't linear. Writing is about gradually jumble of ideas into shape and Milanote's writing app matches the way writers think. It's free for basic plan or $12.50/month for premium.
Check it out if, you're a plotter who likes a flexible workspace to organize ideas and see an eagle eye angle of how your story outline is coming together.
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9. Evernote
Evernote is a great and easy to use option for writers who could do with a little more organization in their lives. The app let's you quickly jot down thoughts, record audio notes, save online articles you're hoping to reference and it will sync all of this information across all of your Evernote-installed devices.
The handy part of this app is it's collaborative aspect, which allows users to create shared accounts, so that multiple people can access saved documents of once. Check out Evernote if you're prone to getting great ideas while on the go, and need somewhere to make sure you don't forget them by the time you're home.
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10. Hemingway
Hemingway apo is a free editing tool that claims to make your writing "bold and clear". It has a number of handy features like a word counter and an automatic readability score. But it's real use lies in the features that make suggestions to your prose. For instance, it might highlight a complex sentence that's hard to read. It also highlights instances of passive voice, qualifiers and adverbs. Check out Hemingway to enhance your writing quality.
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11. Cliché Finder
Cliché Finder is exactly what it says on the tin: it comes through your writing in search of clichés and then highlights them for you. It's not always necessarily a bad thing to use clichés in your writing, but when you do, you want to be purposeful about it.
Check it out if, you want to avoid clichés like plague, and for your book to sell like hotcakes and the rest is history.
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12. ProWritingAid
ProWritingAid is a tool you can install that will proofread and spell check your material for you, no matter where you're writing. It will also offer suggestions to improve your overall language outside of just grammatically technicalities. Costs is a free browser extension or $79/year for the full software.
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13. Marlowe Pro
Marlowe Pro is a manuscript assessment tool will provide in depth feedback on your novel within minutes. Using artificial intelligence, Marlowe can analyze your plot, pacing, story beats, and readability then provide actionable insights (as well as comp titles) based on it's database of bestsellers across a number of genres.
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14. Livescribe Pen
If you prefer writing on paper, but dread the process of transferring your words to a computer, Livescribe will likely be right up your alley. Through Bluetooth technology, the pen can actually transcribe your pen and paper words to your device. What's more, it can also transcribe voice note into digital documents for you.
Check out Livescribe if you ever envied Rita Skeeter's Quick Quotes Quill in Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire.
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15. Canva
Canva is a free graphic design platform that's great for making invitations, business cards. Instagram posts, book covers, and many more. A drag and drop interface makes customizing thousands of templates simple and easy.
Canva's wide array of features allow you to edit photos without extensive photo editing knowledge or experience. Canva is another wonderful tool for writers for book editing etc.
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16. Google Drive
Google Drive is a cloud based storage solution that allows you to save files online and access them anywhere from any smartphone, tablet or computer. You can use Drive on your computer or mobile device to securely upload files and edit them online. It also makes it easier for others to edit and collaborate on files.
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17. Hubspots
Hubspots is a marketing, sales, and service platform that helps companies to attract visitors, convert leads, close and retain customers. It does this through a single source of truth, intuitive UX, and a unified codebase. Hubspots equips companies to better manage marketing, sales, service and operations effort.
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18. Coschedule
If you're a blogger, marketer, or copywriter, you very well understand the importance of writing an effective headline. Headlines are your contents first introduction to the world and are often the primary reason why people decide to consume your content, making them an integral part of the writing experience.
Coschedule claims to be the number one headline analyzer on the Internet. It let's you write headlines that drive more revenue, shares, click thorough rates and search results. You can use coschedule headline analyzer for writing headlines for blog posts, email subject lines or social media messages. Check out Coschedule if you need a standard and catchy headline.
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19. Otranscribe
If you have ever transcribed some audio, you should probably know how cumbersome it can be to keep switching between your media player and word processor and transcribe without making errors.
Otranscribe makes this process of transcription a lot easier by allowing users to upload their audio files and providing a word editor on the same page to transcribe. Even though it doesn't transcribe the audio automatically, it still makes the process a lot more bearable.
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20. Ulysses
Ulysses helps you to organize your thoughts into a well-written work. Whether you're writing a blog post, or a full length novel, the seed of an idea doesn't get far without the ability to organize that idea into a cohesive piece of writing. And this is accomplished through features like customizable writing goals and deadlines, plain text enhancements, a distraction free typewriter mode, bookmarks, outlining functions and more.
Check it out if, you're working on a lengthy piece of non fiction, like a blog post or essay.
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So there you have it, some of the best writing tools for you as a writer to make your work earlier, faster, accurate and professional. A great writing tool can go a long way towards helping you stay focused, improve your vocabulary, keep you motivated and provide you with an amazing user interface to keep the process fun and exciting.
Note: The above websites are affiliate links linking you straight to the official apps of this tools in Google play store, to make things easier for you. Thank me later ok!
If you had tried any of the following tools, share your thoughts on the comment box below and share this information to your family and friends.
Email us at [email protected] if you have more good writing tools for writers.
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