22 vital moves of taking care of oneself you really want to initiate live a blissful life.

Bigbossfalz2022/05/20 10:40

How to live a happy life

22 vital moves of taking care of oneself you really want to initiate live a blissful life.

1. Write down your goals

2. Go for a daily walk

3. Have a long-term mindset

4. Take calculated risks

5. Drink a gallon of water a day

6. Be in control of your spending

7. Stay away from toxic people

8. Prioritize yourself

9. Be honest with yourself

10. Never sacrifice your integrity

11. Have at least two sources of income

12. Embrace new challenges

13. Face your fears

14. Exercise regularly

15. Choose consistency over speed

16. Avoid multitasking

17. Sleep 7-8 hours every night

18. Prioritize your family

19. Build meaningful connections

20. Believe in yourself

21. Prioritize self-improvement

22. Let go of the past

シェア - 22 vital moves of taking care of oneself you really want to initiate live a blissful life.



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