
キョウダイセブン2022/05/17 01:01


Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.  

 (Charles Chaplin)




One of the things that can discourage students from studying for entrance exams and lower their study efficiency is a narrow view of the world. This also refers to the tendency to be happy or sad about the results of the in-school tests. Since the goal is to take the university entrance exam, it is not important to care about the results of the tests or even the high school entrance exam.

 Although a bird's-eye view often refers to a spatial perspective, it is also important to look at things from a temporal perspective. If you could look at your life in 10 or 20 years, the results of an in-school test would seem like a pebble lying on the side of the road.

 Not only the results of the tests, but also your classmates who are applying to different universities or different faculties are not your rivals. There is no need to compare scores or compete with them. You don't need to care about other people's academic performance because only your own academic performance is important.

シェア - 「京大医学部4名合格講師」による受験対策講座(21)



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