
キョウダイセブン2022/05/16 01:10


 Innovation is the only way to turn change into opportunity.   (Peter Drucker)





   What is innovation? Some doctors, like Professor Zaizen of "Shiroi Kyotou," are power-oriented in order to create their own ideal hospital, while others, like Professor Yamanaka, aim to become researchers rather than clinicians. Others, like Mother Teresa, devote their lives to helping the poor.

 As I am in the business of teaching entrance examinations, I am always thinking about what innovation there is in "exam guidance. I have been an instructor at a large school, and I have studied English and mathematics in depth. Now I specialize in teaching students who are taking entrance exams for Kyoto University and other former imperial universities.

 When the economy was in a bubble, students came in droves. Now there is the double whammy of the recession following the Lehman Shock and the declining birthrate. The Internet has spread, and students have become accustomed to online instruction. Smartphones are becoming popular among high school and junior high school students.

 As times change like this, there are many people who fall away from the "change. I guess only innovation can turn this "change" into "opportunity," but I don't know what that is.

シェア - 「京大医学部4名合格講師」による受験対策講座(19)



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